




Domestic League Championship


·  This tournament runs from August to March. 

·  Points only count from players on teams involved in Domestic League games during this time period.

·  Domestic League seasons that begin before the DLSC tournament start date and end during or after the DLSC tournment end date will be the season that counts for the DLSC tournament, not the Domestic League seasons beginning the following year.

·  Standings will be updated once a month and you are allowed to make 12 substitutions every month.

·  The first 7 days of every new month you will have the opportunity to substitute 12 or less players on your 24 man squad.

·  You can only make 1 GK move a month (Transfer or Substitution).

·  7 days is more then enough time to do your homework even if your to busy.

·  If you fail to substitute your players within the 7 day period you will continue on for the rest of the month with the same players.

·  This is not a 7 day period of making an unlimited amount of subs. This is 7 days to let you make 12 or less subs.

·  Points for new subs will begin on the 8th of each month, not directly after the substitution.

·  The 1st to 7th of each month your original player points will still be adding up.

·  If on September 2nd you send an email that you want to substitute GER Bayern Makaay with HOL Feyenoord Kuijt and on September 5th send another email that you want to change HOL Feyenoord Kuijt to TUR Besiktas Van Hoijdoonk that will be considered one sub not two as it is a change in sub strategy not an actual sub the second time around.

·  You must maintain your 24 man squad (21 Players (Forwards, Midfielders or Defenders) and 3 Goalkeepers) after substitutions are complete.

·  You are to check for yourself if your subs were inputted correctly after you get a confirmation email from me that I received them. If you notice mistakes after the games are over it will be considered to late and you will take blame for not double checking.

·  You are responsible for picking the correct players in the correct leagues. If you pick a player that is in the wrong league and he scores points they will not count and you will not be able to sub him until you either make a transfer or wait until the end of the month to make your new 12 or less subs.

·  If a player you selected moves to a different team within the same league or within another league during the season and he scores points they will not count and you will not be able to change the player until you either make a transfer or wait until the end of the month to make your new 12 or less subs.

·  If you decide that you cant wait for the beginning of the new month to make your 12 substitutions and want to make them immediately you are allowed to make up to 6 transfers every month.

·  You can only make 1 GK move a month (Transfer or Substitution).

·  For every player you transfer you lose 2 subs at the beginning of the new month.

·  You have 12 subs total every new month which allows you to make 6 transfers anytime during a month. If you use up all 6 transfers in one month you will have 0 sub options in the following new month.

·  Once you make a transfer the new players points will count directly after the transfer. You will not gain any points for any of the players previous points in previous matches.

·  Tranfers made from 1st to 7th day will deduct the amount of next month's substitutions.

·  In a situation where one makes a double player transfer by accident, the change will be taken and no double points for the player. However, single points will be given and not all taken away.

·  You can change your transfers as long as the game the player is involved in has not started yet.

·  The amount of points shown for each OUT player are the amount you will end with for that player. The amount of points shown for each IN player are the amount you will not receive because those are the points the player collected while not on your team.


·  At the very beginning all participants will start in the Domestic League Division 1.

·  At the end of the first month the bottom half will be relegated to the Domestic League Division 2.

·  From there the end of every month the bottom 2, 3 or 4 participants (depending on how many participants there are) of DLD1 move down to DLD2 and that same number of participants in the top of DLD2 move up to DLD1.

·  This will make things very difficult for everyone because its possible to end the season with the most points but you wont win Gold because your stuck in Domestic League Division 2 do to a poor performance from previous months.

·  If 8 teams then 1 from each group is relegated.

·  If 9 to 16 teams then 2 from each group are relegated.

·  If 17 to 24 teams then 3 from each group are relegated.

·  If 25 to 32 teams then 4 from each group are relegated.

·  Points will not be reset to 0 after every month. You will keep adding and building on your point total no matter what Division you are in.
Substitution Periods

·  August - 1st - Your original player selections

·  September - 1st to 7th - 12 subs or less

·  October - 1st to 7th - 12 subs or less

·  November - 1st to 7th - 12 subs or less

·  December - 1st to 7th - 12 subs or less

·  January - 1st to 7th - 12 subs or less

·  February - 1st to 7th - 12 subs or less

·  March - 1st to 7th - 12 subs or less
Domestic League Season Ends
Champions League and UEFA Cup Begins

Forward, Midfielder, Defender

G = 1 pt for a Goal



D = 1 pt for a Draw

G = 2 pts for a Goal

W = 3 pts for a Win

SD = 4 pts for a Shutout Draw

SW = 5 pts for a Shutout Win

Backup Goalkeeper

Scenario: Participant’s GK does not start or finish a game do to injury, illness, scratch.

In this case whatever result the GK's team accomplishes with the alternate GK in net, the participant will only earn half points.

D = 0.5 pts for a Draw

G = 1 pt for a Goal

W = 1.5 pts for a Win

SD = 2 pts for a Shutout Draw

SW = 2.5 pts for a Shutout Win


Shootout goals, Goalkeeper shootout wins and Own goals don’t count for any extra points.