Upcoming Leagues
There will be 21 Domestic Leagues divided into 4 categories every season:
Must choose 6 players from each of these 3 leagues for a total of 18 players.
1. World Elite 3
Based on UEFA Rankings after previous season.
UEFA - Europe - Champions League - Coefficient Ranking
Must choose 6 players from any of the following 18 leagues to bring your squad to a total of 24 players.
2. European Elite 6
Based on UEFA Rankings after previous season.
UEFA - Europe - Champions League - Coefficient Ranking
UEFA - Europe - Champions League - Coefficient Ranking (Second Source)
3. Confederation Elite
Based on the proprietor country of the club who wins their Confederation Champions League from the previous season.
AFC - Asia - Champions League
CAF - Africa - Champions League
CONCACAF - North America - Champions League 
CONMEBOL - South America - Copa Libertadores 
OFC - Oceania - Champions League
UEFA - Europe - Champions League - Coefficient Ranking (10th Ranked European League)
UEFA - Europe - Champions League - Coefficient Ranking (Second Source)
4. Variety
Based on preferences, amount of info available, length of season in comparison to our DLSC season: 3 Most 3 Part, countries who are hosting the upcoming World Cup, European Cup, Copa America in the same season that are not already chosen in previous scenarios.
Management holds the right to change these leagues. However next season's leagues must be confirmed by the end of May at the latest, the year the season begins.   
The issues that may cause changes are:
Leagues on hold improve their information on the internet tremendously
Leagues on the list suddenly weaken their information on the internet or the league is becoming suspect because of frauds etc.
Two or more of the leagues are combined.
The management's decision must be unanimous to drop a league or to pick a new league.
DLSC 2018-2019